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Frequently Asked Questions

The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) was founded in1920 to reinvigorate dance teaching in the UK.Over time the RAD has expanded internationally with more than 1,000 students in full-time or part-time teacher training programs currently, and is recognized for the highest standards of teaching and learning with its examination syllabus taught to more than a quarter of a million students worldwide. Today the RAD has a presence in 79 countries, with 36 offices and approximately 14,000 members worldwide. The RAD supports its membership base of professional dancers, students, teachers, benefactors and friends through the knowledge, support and technical expertise of our highly qualified staff and the social interaction of like-minded enthusiasts at RAD conferences, workshops, training courses or summer schools. The Academy's patron is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
What is the Royal Academy of Dance?

The Royal Academy of Dance is a leader in continuing professional development in dance that supports and promotes dance teachers at every step of their career encouraging their innovative contributions to dance and education throughout the world. The RAD helps and encourages teachers to perfect their teaching skills and pass on this knowledge to their students


ARAD: After successfully completing the RAD Vocational Advanced Examination, a dancer/teacher may take the title of Associate of the Royal Academy of Dance. ARAD is also awarded after successful completion of any of the professional teaching courses.


PDTC: Professional Dancers Teaching Course; RAD Rgistered Teacher

The PDTC program is designed for professional dancers wishing to prepare for a career in teaching, or for dancers who are already teaching but wish to gain an internationally renowned RAD teaching qualification. Currently PDTC is arranged for distance learning with an onsite Intensive Study Period as a more flexible program. The PDTC was previously an intensive 6 month, full time training program in London, England which required the study and presentation of the entire RAD syllabus. The students were examined on their knowledge of the syllabus, techniques in effective and safe instruction, and ultimately their ability to do so at all levels (Pre-Primary - Advanced and Solo Seal).

Camilla Chiapuris successfully completed this program in 1978 and continues to maintain active certification as ARAD PDTC.


RTS: Registered Teacher Status

Teachers who have successfully completed the RAD Certificate of Ballet Teaching Studies (CBTS) program may then apply for Registered Teaching Status. The 2 year CBTS program includes distance learning, and an Intensive Study Period with practical workshops and discussion groups with RAD Tutors. As in all of the Teaching programs students are examined on their knowledge of the syllabus, techniques in effective and safe instruction, and ultimately their ability to do so at all levels (Pre-Primary - Advanced). a minimum of 45 classes over the time frame of the module and are provided with additional tutoring and support from a Practical Teaching Supervisor. All programs include required research, class development and written papers.


  RAD Teachers study and are examined in areas including : 

  • The Code of Professional Practice for Teachers Registered with the RAD.

  • Requirements of teachers for safe practice and professional responsibilities. 

  • Creating and maintaining safe dance environments.

  • Government policies such as child protection, equal opportunities and rights for persons with disabilities.  

  • Functional anatomy, focus on the posture, supplementary conditioning 

  • The stages of physical, mental and emotional development for appropriate 
  •  Key features and progressions of the RAD syllabi, focusing on Pre-Primary and Primary in Dance, Grade 1-5, Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels. The units cover fundamentals of ballet and Character Dance technique, demonstration as a teaching tool and music for dance teachers.


The Royal Academy of Dance  (RAD) graded program begins with two pre-ballet classes followed by 8 graded levels. Both age and accomplishment contribute to the teachers’ placement suggestions. Students in the upper grades may also elect to participate in RAD’s pre-professional  (Vocational) syllabus which consists of an additional 6 levels.

The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) syllabus is taught in all of our children/teen classes. With its headquarters in London, England, and a presence in 79 countries, more than a quarter of a million students worldwide are taught using this teaching system. The Community School of Ballet is an approved center to host the  Children's and Vocational  RAD examinations. The syllabus outlines a progressive structure for learning and achievement in dance. 

What does it mean to be a Registered Royal Academy of Dance Teacher: ARAD, PDTC, and RTS?
What is the curriculum of the Adult program?

The adult program of study consists of ‘sessions’,  which run nearly year round. Fall and Winter sessions run for 15 weeks each, and Spring/ Summer run 7-8 weeks each. The open classes for adult students are taught based on the training received by the instructors during their professional careers. Camilla received primarily Russian training but had influence from the Cecchetti style, including Camilla's teacher in Paris, Olga Preobrajenskaya. Alexandra trained and completed RAD vocational examinations both under Camilla and with teachers at the National Academy of Arts (Champaign IL). She also studied with Russian teachers in New York City and Cecchetti teachers while with New York Theatre Ballet (NYC).

At what age can my child start dance classes?

A student may begin pre-ballet classes after reaching his/her 4th birthday.

Are makeups allowed?

Yes, classes can be made up, but we do not give refunds for missed classes.

How do the RAD Examinations Work?

RAD examinations are held in the spring. About 70% of the children take the RAD examinations. Please see our RAD Examinations page under The Studio for more info and FAQ.

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